We specialize in Cardboard & Plastic Recycling. Servicing hundreds of medium and larger companies.
We are located in the largest Logistic Hub in the USA, The Inland Empire.
Our Services cover from LAX to Desert Hot Springs.
Recycling is a requirement of today’s world. Large corporations and small businesses are compelled to recycle and reduce the waste waiting to landfills. We have helped hundreds of company reduce their waste cost and improve their recycling goals by providing market information and fiduciary recommendations.
We look for long term friends and clients that are accustomed to great service. We offer same day service when client needs it. And also offer pre set regular pick ups that are constantly evaluated by our great customer service team.

363 days per year! READY TO HELP.
The use of mask is recommended. We follow State and Federal regulations.
For su proteccion use su mascara cuando considere necesario. Nosotros seguimos regulaciones Nacionales y Estatales.

We have a variety of services for cardboard, plastics and other recyclable materials.
** BALED CARDBOARD – For companies currently bailing cardboard, we offer competitive price and great service. Give us a CALL And for clients or future clients that are not bailing, though have the volume, we would set an easy step by step program to start maximizing their recycling revenue.
For MEDIUM GENERATORS- we recommend the use of compactors recycle cardboard. We would service the compactor at client’s request, though we would also assess the real service needs to ensure our clients are property optimizing this piece of equipment.
SMALLER GENERATOR OF CARDBOARD- We don’t discriminate smaller generator of cardboard, we also work with companies with under 10 tons of cardboard per month. Our main feedback for smaller generators is to keep their bin properly filled and free of contamination in order to ensure compliance with recycling regulations.
PLASTIC WRAP – Since we are located in the largest Logistics Hub of the United States, there’s a large use and disposal of plastic wrap. We assist our clients with our programs for Loose & Baled Plastic Wrap.
Easy to implement, we work with all industries:

Our goal is to understand our client and future clients’ needs.
Empower our clients with information for them to make an educated decision.
And we will start collection the recyclable in any shape of form decided by client, whether baled, loose-loose or loose-compacted.
We aim not only divert materials from landfill, though ensure maximum gain for our clients.